We are in the process of massive development, which will
change the state of play of manufacturing in Denmark.

This is why our door is always open to free-thinking talents and hard-working specialists. We love people who are motivated to create things that can get off the ground and who suffer from serious cases of GSD (Get Stuff Done) syndrome.

Our premises are, in every way, brightly lit, with high ceilings and a nice atmosphere. We have room for rolled up shirt sleeves and big gestures, or you can be as introverted as you want. If you dream of contributing to Industry 4.0 and are interested in digital progress to benefit the next generation, a job with us would make perfect sense.

Unsolicited applications

Please send unsolicited applications to job@trimatic.dk and we will get back to you if your application is relevant.

All applications are dealt with in full confidence and behind tightly closed doors.

We are currently recruiting:

Du vil indgå i et stærkt fagligt team, der laver skræddersyede løsninger til vore kunder. Det være sig både større såvel som mindre projekter.
Opgaverne spænder bredt, og som en naturlig del af dit arbejde vil du have kontakt med kunder, leverandører mfl.